원자력 계측제어

Nuclear Instrument & Control

교육사업 Training

Each year, a 4-week training course for NPP employees on the APR1400 MMIS based on SAT (Systematic Approach Training) method is conducted. As part of Safety MMIS Training Program, trainees have participated in overseas training for safety critical instrumentation. In 2019, we opened a specialized training course for Shin-Hanul NPP operators for enhancing their competence level on configuration management, safety culture, and leadership. The contents and subject areas of the SAT-based certified Course for APR 1400 MMIS are provided in the table below.
  • Foundation

    Design Process
    Design Concepts
    Information Network
    Codes and Standards
    Human Factors Engineering
    Equipment Qualification

  • Requirements
    Analysis and Design

    Licensing Requirements
    Functional Requirements
    Performance Requirements

  • Design Analysis and Implementation

    Setpoint Calculation
    Common Cause Failure Analysis
    Unavailability Analysis
    PPS/ESF-CCS Software Analysis
    VHDL Code Implementation
    Cyber Security Measurement

  • Test and Evaluation

    Software Verification and Validation
    PLC based PPS System Test
    FPGA based MMIS System Test
    MMIS Network Analysis

대표자 : 정재천 사업자등록번호 : 640-07-02479 대표전화 : 02-3424-0707 E-Mail : ahum2023@gmail.com
주소 : 서울특별시 광진구 광나루로56길 85, 판매동 4층 C34호(구의동, 테크노-마트21)
[부산공작소] 부산시 기장군 장안읍 오리길 376-22

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