원자력 계측제어

Nuclear Instrument & Control

연구개발 Research and Development

In March 2014, We initiated the development of an integrated Man Machine Interface System (MMIS) based on FPGA technology.
The objectives of this work were to:
  • Reduce the system complexity
  • Enhance the fault tolerance
  • Improve protection against cyber security threats
FPGA Based Safety Critical SYSTEM Design
Currently, most digital Instrumentation and Control are implemented using PLC technology. However, this technology has several drawbacks such as high complexity and rapid obsolescence. To cope with these shortcomings, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been proposed as an alternative technology. We have developed the following FPGA-based safety critical systems in accordance with NRC regulation and the EU licensing scheme, specifically IEC 62566
  • FPGA based Plant Protection System (PPS)
  • FPGA based ESF-CCS System
  • FPGA based Core Protection Calculator System (CPCS)
  • FPGA based Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS)
대표자 : 정재천 사업자등록번호 : 640-07-02479 대표전화 : 02-3424-0707 E-Mail : ahum2023@gmail.com
주소 : 서울특별시 광진구 광나루로56길 85, 판매동 4층 C34호(구의동, 테크노-마트21)
[부산공작소] 부산시 기장군 장안읍 오리길 376-22

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